Balloon Bouquet BLUE PARTY

Balloon Bouquet BLUE PARTY


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Let us create the perfect balloon bouquet for you! This mix of blue balloons is a super bright and cheerful addition to any party!


If you do not want the balloons fill with helium for please let us know in the note section when you check out. Otherwise we will fill them.

Bundle Includes: NINE BALLOONS
3 Printed Confetti Balloons ( 12 inch )
4 Solid Latex Balloons ( 11 inch )
2 Mylar Balloons ( 18 inch )

Good to Know:
The clear balloons have the confetti printed on the outside. None of the balloons in this bouquet contain cut confetti.


    • Balloon Safety & Care: Balloons look their best at room temperature – keep them warm on cool days and cool on warm days. Inhalation of helium can be harmful. Never breathe in helium. Uninflated or broken balloons can create a choking hazard. Use with caution around children.